I am a gifted empath and intuitive practitioner, energy worker, sacred goddess, and wellness professional who has unique abilities to connect energetically to dive deeper into the subconscious mind.
I live on the beautiful Caribbean island of Antigua but serve clients from all over the globe. Energy is not bound by time and space - amazing transformations are possible from anywhere.
Who do I work with?
I work with women who struggle with hormonal imbalances, fibroids, anxiety, stress, depression, emotional blockages, traumas, and mental blocks using a variety of healing methods coming from years of experience, study, and skills developed. This foundation creates solid support from which results can be achieved.
Empowering, rediscovering self, transforming habits, personal development, and productivity, creating the life desired either in self, the home, connecting to true calling, work/career, money, relationships, and spirituality. We begin by first finding some clarity as to what is the desire/the goal and then we shift the limiting habits, letting go of what no longer works, creating new lasting behaviors/habits, mindset shifting and empowerment to take action now to bring forth the life desired.
We begin with a discovery call that leads to a 90-day transformational program to get the ball rolling.
Why coaching?
I myself struggled with so many of the issues I mentioned above - from fibroids to high blood pressure, depression to mental blocks. It took decades of deep self-discovery and research to finally uncover the tools I needed to begin healing myself.
It wasn't until I began hiring coaches that I could begin to see more transformative healing take place. There is something absolutely magical about women coming together within a safe and trusting bond; to have someone who's been in your position hold space for you, guide you, encourage you, and offer you the insights, experiences, and knowledge needed to break through the barriers holding you back from an empowered life. Having this support for myself was the biggest blessing in my own journey.
As I continued to heal and develop my own system of healing, The Pillars of Wellness, which are the foundation for all of the work I do, I knew it was my purpose here on Earth to help other women find their liberation from dis-ease, guiding them to empowerment. Coaching is how I feel I can best be of service to others. It is a synergy; as I witness my clients heal and transform, I too go deeper in my own healing.
My Own Healing Journey
It was in grade school that I began losing my confidence; I associated myself with failure, thus I ended up on a journey that I had to heal from. Little did I know, I'd become a lifelong student of many healing tools and modalities that would change my life.
After High School, I planned to attend university in Toronto along with my best friend to study accounting. This did not happen; instead, I became pregnant and had my daughter at the same time I was graduating high school. My choice was to do my best in raising my daughter and look into other learning options. My daughter has been the love of my life and my purpose, and motivation to keep going.
Seven years after my daughter was born, I got married to a great soul, who was committed to my daughter and I. He adopted her and we built a life together and had another daughter. Unfortunately, this marriage ended 5 years after. It felt like my life was filled with disappointment, pain and heartbreak. In 2011, 3 years after, I got married again and have learned so much about myself while in this marriage, surviving many challenges and experiences.
There have been many low times and great times but I was still stuck and suffering from depression, a negative mindset, smiling publicly but suffering internally. I was holding onto many guilts, disappointments, regrets, hurts, and pain. I needed healing. Thus started another journey when the red flags became incredibly noticeable. I was acting out in jealousy, anger, excessive arguments, public embarrassments amongst friends, suicidal thoughts, and attempts.
A look into my own path from dis-ease to wellbeing and deeper connection with myself.
The time was now that I needed change. I decided to get help. It was hard; I had to be brave and strong. At first, I reached out to a psychologist. This was not successful but instead, I felt worst after experiencing her judgments and criticisms. I never returned.
I have always been a highly spiritual being and connecting in this way always served me best. Later, I found an organization called Sacred Goddess Temple Antigua and joined their Rights of Passage Program. This 12-week program helped me enormously. This gave the title “Ntrt Hmt – Sacred Goddess. I felt heard, loved, accepted, protected, valued and in a place of community. I was reminded of how to connect with myself, my spirit, the divine in me and in all, my intuition, and all parts of me. I learnt to value my emotions, to release and heal. After this certification, I later enrolled in their Mastery Program called Sacred Goddess Master a way to know self even deeper and to serve the community, spreading healing and awareness. I received a lot of value from the mentorship and coaching from the founders Sati Zinnijah and Sati Alicia. Both are the Creators of Sacred Goddess Temple Antigua and Sacred Goddess Mastery. In love and gratitude, I also became an active committee member. I received connections through these Goddesses that lead to other amazing women, Queen Afua the author of Sacred Woman and many other inspiring books, learning to heal the womb and the divine feminine. I was also connected to Dr. Akua Gray, creator of “a life of peace and wellness institute” and a world educator in holistic health. I have learned so much being in this community of powerful women healers. Also connected with the other aspirants who also took the walk with me. This was my return home as a healer myself who entered the fires that lead to my healing.
Many years before I had a love for herbology. I began my learning through my grandmother, who taught me what she knew about herbs and their healing properties. My mother also taught me naturopathic ways of healing. This opened up my curiosity. I ended up researching and learning through the books of Dr. Africa, a master herbalist. His books have helped me with what I needed to learn. Learning to balance the chemistry of the herbs and how to process the medicines. I then found interest in Dr. Sebi and his idea of living an Alkaline Plant Diet and healing with alkaline herbs. Many of his students wrote books and I also studied from these and the many videos shared by his students. Knowing about hybrid foods and their acidic effects on the body, I then turned to eating electric raw alkaline foods. This diet has proven its value in healing and rebalancing the body; although old habits kept me connected to cooked vegan foods. I then decided to become 80% raw vegan and enjoy 20% cooked foods. I also learned the art of detoxing and juicing in 2004 by Dr. Lord a Canadian healer here in Antigua. I took it further by studying and becoming certified through online programs. Vegan Nutrition was also another journey taken in self-learning through multiple online learning via the Udemy platform.
Hands-on Healing/Reiki Universal Energy Healing has been a calling of mine. It began as a natural ability but without a name. A friend recognized this ability and recommended to I become a certified reiki practitioner. My soul immediately recognized this and I trusted and went to become certified without any investigations. I went directly to visit the reiki master who was visiting on the island and attended his classes. Dr. Winthrop was my 1st reiki teacher. He taught me reiki levels 1 and 2 out of 3 levels. I later became a level 3 master/teacher myself and joined the world reiki association. There I met many others with great talents in reiki and different methods. I quickly learned more versions of this practice like crystalline reiki, kuruna reiki, archangel reiki, kryon reiki, karuna reiki, rainbowlight reiki, st. Michael reiki, megatron reiki, Gabriel reiki, Kemetic reiki, sekmet reiki and many more. I then used all these energies combined with my own practice and called it Kei Reiki/Spirit one Reiki. For more than 18 years I have been practicing this Reiki.
Meditation is another tool that has been a big part of my journey; it started as a young child and inspired my dad. As a young adult, I began studying Bodhicharya Meditation with Rinchen Monk now a Tibetan monk but who was once known as Llewyn Monk when he was in the British monastery for monks. He has been my root teacher for a long time. Now he is a Tibetan monk and his teacher is now my root teacher, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche. I became an ordained Buddhist and was named Sengemo, the Lioness. I was the first Antiguan to become ordained here in Antigua in this order under the Tibetan buddhicharya system.
I was always a healer with a spiritual connection, a seeker, awareness of an inner knowing that is not easy to explain but with feelings of oneness to nature and the universe. I always felt deeply with guidance. I had to walk through the fires of life to be molded into becoming who I am.
My life journey has always been about understanding myself and why I am here on this planet, why I have this insight and curiosity, why do I have the abilities to feel the way I do, see auras, see spirits etc. Prayer was always a deep connection in my life, it always put me in a space of feeling love and closeness with the creator. And because of this I know there is a creator and I feel it within my being so I know the creator is within all of us. Through the guidance of the ancestors, archangels, spiritual guides, aliens, prayer was always a connection to the emancipation of suffering. This was never something I could share with others but my heart was always filled with so much love and peace. It was always so easy to forgive and to live freely within myself. Yet I still had traumas that I needed help with so the healing must continue.
Another friend introduced me to coaching and I signed up to become a health coach and a life coach. I went deeper in healing my mind, body, and soul through self-acceptance, love, plant foods, connecting in awareness, the mind, and how it's linked to emotions, thoughts, and how it's linked to habits. This opened deeper interest in cognitive healing, traumas, emotional intelligence etc. Life coaching certification also took this deeper.
In 2019 I became ICF certified as a health coach and life coach with HCI – Health Coach Institution. This practice allowed me many mentorships and continued learning opportunities with Stacy Morgenstern and Carey Peters. Along with many other amazing women coaches.
In 2020/2021 and 2022 I deepened my coaching studies via many other online coaching courses like Mindvalley by Evercoaching institute with the amazing world coach Christina Hassler and Ajit Nawalkha.
My interest was to really dive even deeper and expand my understanding of the human mind. I then began more mentorships with Dr, Dispenser and Dr. Amen, reading their books, and listening to all their podcast and videos was amazing learning.
At the end of 2021 I was introduced to MAP Coaching Institute where I signed up for a 1-year program offering support and healing with the opportunity to become certified in the program once I continue on to the 6 months course. In this, I have attended daily coaching support and healing of the mind. By going deep into my super concious mind, healing all traumas and trapped emotions from the subconscious and conscious mind. I have received miraculous results and finally came to a complete place of emotional happiness, all in letting the brian heal itself via the superconscious. I can't wait to offer this service to my clients as well. This organization connected me to the best psychologist Dr. Flint who wrote a book explaining the superconscious mind and how it heals the mind and Dr. Colette Streitcher who is the founder of MAP. As a result I am now pursuing a new coaching certification ACTP and ICF accredited coaching training with MAP institute. I am excited to see where this takes me.
What's next?
In November 2021, I received the surprise of a lifetime:
Imagine Richard Branson showing up at your door one day to tell you that you're heading to SPACE!? Nothing prepares you for a moment like that.
My dream to go to space started when I was a child, and to see this manifest into my reality was not only a dream come true but a testament to the power of the work I do. I wrote a full blog post about winning the Omaze Virgin Galactic sweepstakes - including why I applied, the grand surprise, what has happened since, and what is to come - be sure to read it here.
You can also check out some interviews about my upcoming adventure of a lifetime here in People Magazine, NY Daily News, NY Post, Bangkok Post.
One thing is clear: I believe this opportunity is much bigger than winning a ride to space.
For me, this is an invitation to serve humanity - to share my journey and my vision through my voice and my clients; to inspire so that we can all heal and shift together, leading to greater harmony with our planet and amongst each other.
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if you feel called to follow along my journey to space, as well as other content to support you on your healing & empowerment path.